

Since 2005 Desert Springs Church (DSC) has held an annual conference weekend with a guest speaker and a focused topic. In 2008 we started giving it a name, Clarus—which is Latin for bright, clear, or radiant. We think that word aptly reflects our intentions with this conference: that God and His truth would be made more clear, more radiant to us, and more powerfully penetrating in us. To that end we set aside a full weekend every year for fellowship, singing, prayer, and instruction about God's words and ways. In 2011, Clarus became the SW Regional Conference of The Gospel Coalition.

While Clarus is a ministry of and to the people of DSC, we are very intentional about it being a service to and fellowship with other churches as well. Some attendees come from out of state or the far-reaches of New Mexico; others are part of local Albuquerque churches. Space is limited, but the invitation is open to pastors, church leaders, or anyone interested in a concentrated weekend of deeper instruction.